Setup Red Pitaya for GNU Radio

Setup Red Pitaya:

Format a micro SD card to FAT32. Find the SD card device name from df – be sure you don’t overwrite your hard drive! Suppose the SD card is at /dev/mmcblk0:

umount /dev/mmcblk0
mkdosfs -F 32 -n GNURadio /dev/mmcblk0

Unzip Pavel Demins SD Card image to this SD card

mount /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt/GNURadio
unzip ecosystem-* -d /mnt/GNURadio
umount /mnt/GNURadio

Boot the Red Pitaya with this SD card. Connect to Red Pitaya via Ethernet using SSH (login/password root/root) using Avahi

ssh root@redpitaya.local

or via serial port

Setup laptop:

Setup GNU Radio Companion

cd ~
git clone

Create a shell script ~/rpgr to start GNU Radio Companion for Red Pitaya

export GRC_BLOCKS_PATH=~/red-pitaya-notes/projects/sdr_transceiver/gnuradio


Make it executable with

chmod +x ~/rpgr

Setup projects

Each directory where you have a GNU Radio Red Pitaya project must have a softlink to In each of your GRC project code directories, do:

ln -s ~/red-pitaya-notes/projects/sdr_transceiver/gnuradio/ .

This is because Red Pitaya is not yet an OOT (Out of Tree) module for GNU Radio.

Example GNU Radio code for Red Pitaya under RedPitaya/

Related: Red Pitaya Pulsed NMR image setup