Dual display notes LaTeX Beamer presentation

Pympress can present talk slides using Beamer in dual screen. Practice ahead of time with actual laptop.

Install the prereqs:

Install Pympress:

pip install pympress

Show the Beamer presentation in dual screen by running:

pympress talk.pdf

Tap the s key to swap screens.

In LaTeX .tex preamble (top of main .tex file), put this code to make dual-screen PDF work:

\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}


To fix ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi', install missing prereqs:

apt install python3-gi python3-cairo gir1.2-poppler

Be sure using SYSTEM Python, not Anaconda python or other user Python installs. Remove pympress and pympress*distinfo directories from ~/anaconda3/lib/python*/site-packages/pympress* or wherever it might be on $PATH.

Then install pympress with SYSTEM Python:

/usr/bin/pip3 install --user pympress