Get terminal window size from Fortran
The Bash shell has environment variables LINES
representing the current terminal window width.
One might therefore incorrectly assume that Fortran 2003 standard get_environment_variable()
subroutine would trivially get the current Terminal window dimensions.
This is not so, since Bash passes along only the “POSIX” set of environment variables, and those that have been export
ed to the executable.
A working example of getting current Fortran terminal size using Ncurses is in the
program, where the variables LINES
and COLS
are set using the getmaxyx
Ncurses macro.
Use the method above, as the method below naïvely fails.
Thus, the following will result in status code 1
, indicating the environment variable was not found.
If the user runs this program as
LINES=24 ./myprog
that “works”, but we want an automatically determined value.
program noenv
use, intrinsic:: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
implicit none (type, external)
character(4) :: buf
integer :: h,ios
call get_environment_variable('LINES',buf,status=ios)
if (ios/=0) then
write(error_unit,*) 'got error code',ios,'on trying to get LINES'
read(buf,*) h
end program